Friday 30 March 2012

never walk alone~

alone in this slightly wide room unlike always
It’s over, guess it’s over
 the story that we made went in vain
We fell apart this easily
 one mistake, got a one regret
 “no one’s perfect”
even if i tried saying that, whatever i do, the wounds can’t heal

i’m going to embark on a time machine
if i would be able to go meet you again
 i wouldn’t ask for more
 before it becomes a distant fleeting memory
 i need a time machine 

the time i’m passing by alone is too slow
 this mistake’s punishment is too heavy
 the words that you last left
up to now is replaying continuously my heart still hurts
 just one mistake, just one regret
 it’s selfish but it’s because love you
  i’m going to embark on a time machine
 if i would be able to go meet you again
 i wouldn’t ask for more
 before it becomes a distant fleeting memory

if i can jump through time and space and be able to meet you
 say even if we come to the same conclusion
there wouldn’t be any regrets for sure.

i’m going to embark on a time machine
 if i would be able to go meet you again
 i wouldn’t ask for more
 before it becomes a distant fleeting memory
 before our memories are forgotten


TO: appa and omma^^

thank for the gift^^
i appreciate it~ XDDD
love you all lah *muahhhh*
wlaupon org x reti gne lg tp thank sesgt~
<-----gembire x terkate XDDDD
tp kan x taw nk wat ape ngan enset 2~
takat edit2 leh la kan kan *nod*


Monday 6 February 2012


napew smue org yg aq rapat pinda????
aishhhh aq x ske perpisahan
i hate this so muchhhh....
stiap pertemuan ader perpisahan kan~
first2 dayah syada yg pinda~
die ader lah org yg aq rpat time form2
pas2 pinda taalim 
skang nie jrang gile nk chat kew ape kew ngan die
aq pon x taw napew
                          i miss you syada kyrox

then, satu2nyer mamat yg aq rpat plak pinda,
adoihh *knock ma head*
tp sebbek die x inda sbp kew ape^^
kirenyer bleh la aq cter2 kat die ag^^
                               bdak chubby ngah mkan hihiXD

pas2, besfren aq lg sorang lak pinda ....
aq rpat ngan die dr form 1 huhuXDDD
yeobo....wae you leave me???
wae??? wae??? wae???
because of you i cry and ma eye are swollen T,T
btw, thank for the rilakkuma wallet^^
i like it like it like it *sing channie part*
bler teringat ko jer mesty aq nangis T,T

                almaklum yg seblah kanan yer bkan di kiri^^

skang yg tggal hanye sorang
kaw la kwan hidop mati aq kat maahad nie pas x der biha^^
ko jgan tggal aq sensorang kat maahad nie erk klaw x aq curik idong 2^^
          hajar bgge x ader gamba ko dlam nie????

gamba ini hanya utk tatapan umum yer^^
bias sye^^

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Haaaaaa nie nk cter psal kedah lak...
excite nk citer nie bab sumer family kumpol
first time kumpol sumer taw[seumor idop]
best giler *jump jump*
walaupon kedah kampung halamanku tp x pnah langsong gy ladang anggur 
ngan gunung jerai...
bler dh kumpol nie gy la sumer...
tp time perjlanan 2 d'iringi aroma downy yg sememgnyer wangi[tutop idong]
someone farted[ngehngeh] 
nmer d'rahsiakn[tp bkan sayer]
anggur die rangup and sweet[yumyum]
snap2 ngan anggur[teruje giler]

Abis snap2 gy lunch plak seblom gy gunung jerai[lapoooo]
tp kan waiter 2 cam hape jer
order len bg len
pas2 memarah[gedik tol]
panas jer time 2
cubit mulut kang bru taw[keke]
ok forget about that ahjusshi

Nak kew gunung jerai kene nek van
takot kete x leh nek bukit
amik mase 30 minit nk nek ats...[pening]
sebbek x der yg muntah [mati aq]
freshhhh tol air kt atas 2...
tp naseb sayer malang ari 2...
nk wat limbo lepas tp x nmpk tgge 
fell down...
it hurt
kulit buku lali kanan t'koyak[started to cry]
lutut ngan buku lali kiri lebam
apew la malang pner naseb....

candid *

where am i???

take a break

ready to go!!!

cute aufa

Sayer bru blik dri melake[yeayyy]
best tp hotel die masalah arr TT_TT
bilik dkat ngan loji[btol2 dpan bilik kot]
pas2 dh la cam kat CHINA sesak dpan tokong kiri kanan kdai cine
tp gy melake pon bab ikot MR.SWEETHEART gy kursus...
gy saner asyik shopping jer[padahal x bli apew pon]
asik gy parkson ngan mahkota parade 
ulang gy situ jer...
pnas taw x[nk tercabot idong nie]
dh la tgah ari...
esok nyer plak gy mnare taming sari ngan duck tour....
x taw nk cter apew agy tgok jer la gamba nie....

p/s:akhirnyer jumpe gak VAMPIRE DIARIES SIRI 3:THE CRAVING...
    pnat tol....GOMAWO MPH MELAKA.... love you lah...muahhhh
                      <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
                        mker x larat....[hodoh tol]

                                  duck tour

                              sis hally pose habizzzz...


Nah amik ko
Aq tlis psal ko[cam x ikhlas jer]
X dew ah guraw jep ikhlas kot
Aq x taw nk tlis ape sebnarnyer...haha

≧ω≦ ω≦ ω≦ ω≦ ω≦ ω≦ ω≦ ≧ω≦

HAJAR NABIHAH tajok diberi[ceeewahhhh]
sper knal die??? klaw knal cium siku [keke x lwak pon sebnarnyer]
aduuhhhh dh wat lawak bodo la plak
korang mesty bosan kn[kan kan kan kan]
yg pasty hajar itu kwan sayer
best friend taw dri form 1 smpai dh tue nie[skang la 2] *trase tue la plak*
time form 1 pon rpat nk dkat akhir taon
ahhhhhh x taw nk tlis pew dh [bengong jap]
yg sayer igt die pnah dtg umah time sayer kene chicken pox dlu[haha]
tgok running man [kan hajar kan]
wlopon time 2 sayer kene ciken pox[mlas nk eje pepnjg]
die still dtg[terharu *sob sob*]
tp kan sjak blik mlake nie jrang2 la cer2 ngan die...